You know that friend who rarely keeps in touch? That person who no one really knows what is going on in their lives cos they tend to live on their own "island"? Or even when they know what is going on, it is very general things, no serious details? I bet you will see my picture to that definition in the dictionary * if there is anything like that* I am so bad that I can lose my phone for days on end and not panic that people cannot reach me or I cannot reach people.I am bad like that. * covers face in shame* I remember when I first got married, my MIL was happy that at least she will get someone that will be calling her frequently cos her son is not the calling type; Oh boy, she didn't know she was getting a daughter worse than her son in that department.
Today, I found out a very good friend I had growing up, passed on 2 years ago. We met in primary school and we hit it off fast and became friends. We lived on the same long stretch of street, we had birthdays days apart and we had a passion for books, most of our mates then didn't understand why we would even read for pleasure. She made head girl and I was so happy for her cos she deserved it. She was a people person, most people felt comfortable in her presence, I felt very comfortable in her presence. She was like a sister. We lost touch in secondary school cos I moved up north while she remained in lagos; University brought us together again and it was fun again. After school, I blamed it all on trying to settle down, getting a job and all that. That was how we lost touch. Today she crossed my mind again, I decided to use Google* ever-ready* and I found out, she had passed...... May her soul rest in peace.
It got me thinking, I have to change and reach out to people more. Thanks to social media, you can practically find most people these days and today I used my Facebook account * which I rarely use* to look up some old friends and send messages. It felt good. Even though I am anonymous here, I get people who still reach out to ask how i am doing and to come put up a post. I really appreciate it and even though I might not respond, I appreciate and I resolve to change; I will keep in touch.