Saturday, October 3, 2015

Hello October and #TheClosetChallenge


Though our trees are still green and our clouds are mostly grey.

Do you sometimes look at your closet and go, " I have nothing to wear, maybe I need to go shopping" and said closet is stuffed full with clothes?
Me three.
It is the same routine almost everyday, even times when I am so organized that I pick out my clothes for the week on Sunday. After trying out several outfits and wasting my time, I end up wearing my trusty black jeans with a tee.

Quick fact: Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Barack Obama wore the same outfit everyday to cut out that time and energy that it will take to make that decision.

Over the summer, I read about wardrobe capsule and I wanted to try it. October is the month for the fall capsule and I thought by then, I would have organized my wardrobe, but that hasn't happened. I am not giving up, this is still the beginning of October and the capsule is for 3 months.

To start off and push myself in that direction I started #TheClosetChallenge yesterday with my own modifications.

The closet challenge is picking out 7 items of clothing from your closet and wearing them for 30 days.
The motto and prayer for the challenge: Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be and becoming that person - St. Therese of Lisieux.

For me, instead of 30 days, I will do the challenge for 15 days. This will give me enough time to sort out my clothes for  my wardrobe capsule.

Apart from the motto and prayer for the challenge, I  also love the idea behind the challenge because it will not only make you creative with your 7 items, it is also a lesson on living with less and being grateful for what you have.
For my seven items I chose
1 shirt
1 blouse
1 graphic tee
2 pairs of pants- 1 jeans, 1 fitted trousers
1 skirt
1 gown

Pictures coming up soon


  1. Wow, This is serious. This is really interesting. Unfortunately, this is one challenge I can't join. I hardly leave the house sef.

    Words designed to Intimidate

    1. LOL @ you hardly leave the house. I see all the pictures from the events you go to. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Hmmmm i like it. Though easy for me as my usual getup is blue jeans and sweater....

  3. Hmm interesting. I have a wardrobe mostly full of clothes I am trying to slim down into. Other than that, its jeans or jeggings and blouse. This capsule thing sounds doable, lemme pinterest and see.

    1. It is absolutely doable Moji and I know about those clothes that you are waiting to slim down into, I have some of those too. I am giving them all away. If I haven't been able to fit into them for the past couple of years, someone else needs them.

  4. Blessings....
    I don't really sweat about what to wear as long as its clean and am smelling good and looking cute am good. Usually i know from the night what am going to wear. I just look or think about what I have and say, i will wear this and i think of my accessories and i know what earrings and earth-stone bracelet am going to use to match.

    1. Aint you lucky Rhapsody. For me, I repeat the same clothes all the time.


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