The much awaited 2015 is here. May it be a good one.
At the end of 2014 and the beginning of 2015, people have already claimed this year as their year of greatness and big things, the year of getting things done, the year of prosperity, the year of no more *
siddon look, and so on and so forth. Those who make resolutions have made them *
and the countdown to breaking them is already on, sorry*. These days we rarely make resolutions, the trend now is to have "word of the year". I have heard words like Focus, Consistency, Getting it, Grace, Abundance etc.
Nutty J had a list of things not to do in 2015. No matter how you look at it, everyone feels there is room to do better and that is a good thing. So I wish everyone a good 2015.
As for me, so far, I have made no resolutions neither do I have a focus word of the year but I know I have to do more. I should probably spend sometime getting things in perspective. Or is it too late? Better late than never
Once again, Happy new year! May 2015 be filled with beautiful moments, treasured memories and abundant blessings.
