Today 11th day of the challenge I am talking about my favorite quote. I love quotes. I used to keep a book where I wrote quotes when I was in secondary school and early years of university. It served as a means of inspiration for me. With the advance of technology, I keep my quotes on my phone now. I will just share a couple today.
Today is the last day of October and also Halloween Day. I never had a problem with Halloween before. I don't celebrate it because I don't understand what it is that is being celebrated. Is it the harvest season, ghosts, dead people..... and how did candy come into the equation? I never really bothered. Now my children are of school age and the Halloween talk has been going on in my household.
"Mummy, why don't we have pumpkins?"
"Mummy why do they have those scary skeletons and stuff on their lawn"
"Mummy, what are you going to be for Halloween? I want to be a princess. I want to be a fire-fighter"
"Mummy, are we going trick or treating?"
I still don't know the history of Halloween or how it came about or why people have to dress up and beg for treats from strangers. I don't get it.
Raising children in a culture different from the one I was born and raised in can be a challenge sometimes. Even though something tells me even if the origin is evil, with its commercialization, the lines are really blurred now. So we had some talks about it, first off that mummy doesn't know what Halloween is all about but I will find out it is my responsibility to take care of them and keep them safe so we wont be going door to door for treats. Rather, we would go to the store and they would pick 2 treats each and go back home to make cupcakes. They agreed. So when the school said they must come dressed in costumes today because they were having a parade,we were back on the issue again. I remembered all those fashion parades we had at primary school and I thought we should go for an African theme. I didn't have money to spend on badly made costumes that will be useless after today. We finally rustled something from what we had at home. Anyways getting to the school and seeing all the children dressed up was something else. There were some really cute ones but there were also some very weird ones for kids like the zombies, vampires, witches complete with broom.
We had rain today bet it wasn't much fun for those who planned to go out trick and treating.
What do you think of Halloween? Would you send your kids out trick and treating?